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If you're like many of those who visit this site, you may not be sure how healthy or unhealthy your church or parish may be. While no church is perfect, there are signs you can look for to help you identify unhealthy and sometimes dangerous leanings.


Take a few minutes and answer the following questions as honestly as you can. Your love and appreciation for your church and your authentic responses are not in conflict. Even if you find some answers don’t feel as positive as you’d like, please be as honest as you can. Don’t be afraid of the facts or your feelings. The truth brings freedom and that leads to healthier, more effective churches. No fear, no sugar-coating, no venting… just honestly answer yes or no to the following questions:

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  1. There are things about our church that people outside our church might have a difficult time understanding. (for example, our leadership, the way we make decisions, the amount of hours we put in, the stakes of people going to hell, the amount of time and money we give, the urgency to get people to come to church, etc)

  2. I regularly put in more than 50 hours a week at church (as an employee) or more than 20 hours a week serving at church (as a volunteer).

  3. I have missed important family event(s) for church events/volunteering.

  4. I trust my pastor more than most anyone else for spiritual direction (including my spouse).

  5. I feel most comfortable when a leader has signed off on a spiritual decision in my life.

  6. There are times that my involvement at church has caused conflict with my spouse (or parents/family).

  7. My leaders welcome negative thoughts, input, or critique.

  8. I have enough time to accomplish what is expected of me in my staff/volunteer role.

  9. My ministry decisions are often changed by a leader, and therefore can’t be relied on -- by me or by people I serve with.

  10. I feel free to be out of town and miss special church events without pressure or the fear of disappointing my leaders.

  11. It is easy to adjust my serving roles at church so that the rhythms of my life are healthy and sustainable without fear of fallout, judgment, or repercussions.

  12. The more I am involved at church, the more I am drawn to read my Bible and the more my relationships both inside and outside the church are thriving.

  13. My leaders affirm my ability to sense the Holy Spirit’s leading in my life without their approval.

  14. I am sometimes afraid of messing up or disappointing my leaders.

  15. I am comfortable with the amount of physical affection my pastor shows me and/or others.

  16. If I had a concern about my pastor, it’s clear whom to go to ask my question (besides my pastor or his inner circle).

  17. Our church’s financial records are easily available for me and anyone else to see.

  18. I am comfortable with how our church handles its finances and debt.

  19. My pastor &/or leadership team seems more interested in keeping up with other churches than I’m comfortable with.

  20. Our church clearly values some spiritual gifts more than others.

  21. I have felt manipulated by my pastor or one of my spiritual leaders.

  22. My pastor talks about himself &/or promotes our church more than I’m comfortable with.

  23. I am confident that someone knows all the inner-workings of the church (finances, staff relations, workload/expectations, etc) besides the pastor and his inner circle.

  24. I have seen leaders publically correct other church members or volunteers (in large or small groups).

  25. I have maintained relationships with people who have left our church, including people who still live in town.


Scoring: Healthier churches tend to answer:

  • YES to questions 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 23, and 25.

  • NO to questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 24.


If you find that 5 or more of your answers lean toward unhealth, it may be worth asking a few questions, talking with people outside the church to process the red flags, and reading more about the familiar patterns of unhealth that often develop in communities of faith.


We understand that ALL churches are made up of broken people, and so, may carry a degree of unhealth, but some sicknesses lead to greater harm than others. It's important to pay attention to red flags.


If those who love the Church and want to see her become more healthy and whole don't speak up, then broken, controlling patterns will continue. You can make a difference!


"Speaking truth about abusive power is not a slanderous and bitter attempt to carelessly take a wrecking ball to everything the powerful have built, but a loving effort to open a door of freedom to any trapped behind their walls." - Wade Mullen

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