We walked away from you after that first meeting
That we had found our calling
To be a part of something that mattered.
You sold us on the vision,
And we were all in.
But we had no idea
That the price would be so high,
Or that it would cost us so much.
We signed over everything
By piece.
Our free time
Our relationships
Our sleep
Our preferences
Our personalities
Our giftedness
Our choices
Our marriage
For a time
We even signed over our kids,
Sacrificing them to the vision
That kept getting bigger
And more expensive.
We believed you
Because you were good at your job.
We traded in our lives
For the new car
YOU would drive off the lot.
Your sales pitch was convincing.
“Don’t you know?
The Gospel requires sacrifice.
Abraham offered up Isaac
Ready to lose his son
Because God asked him to do it.
What are you willing to give up
So that you can fulfill the Great Commission?”
We didn’t know that we were just helping you
Make your commission.
You demanded too much.
The price was just too high,
And we chose to walk away
That you had twisted the truth
And sold us a bill of goods,
That you had missed your calling
As a used car salesman.